Thursday, 18 August 2011

The Bipolarbear rears its ugly head

So i've heard that Polar Bears are incredibly dangerous creatures. They have massive claws that could rip your face off in a second, and jaw power so extreme it could smash your skull with one bite. They are fast, ferocious, and hunt perilously for their next meal, whether thats a Seal, a Walrus or sleeping Eskimos.

 So Polar Bears are not the sort of animals that you probably want to find yourself familiar with when your chillin in your igloo on a nice frosty day in the Arctic. 
Just to provide you with some more chilling facts of Polar Bears and how incredibly scary they are read the following info:

Claws. Polar Bear claws are thick and curved, sharp and strong. Each can measure more than two inches (5.1 centimeters) long. Bears use their claws to catch and hold prey

Teeth. A Polar Bear's teeth are sharp so they can shear off chunks of meat. Their canine teeth are long, sharp, and widely spaced so they can seize and hold prey.

Bi-polar bears? Polar bears live only in Arctic areas that surround the North Pole—not in Antarctica, which surrounds the South Pole. School children often see illustrations of Penguins and Polar Bears together, but this could never happen. In fact, the word arctic comes from the Greek word for Bear, and Antarcticcomes from the Greek meaning the opposite, Without Bear. 


That was truly Chilling stuff (see what I did there..)

Bipolar bears have much the same stigma attached to their presence as inner city or suburban roamers. Bipolar bears don't hunt, don't go looking for their prey to catch and maim and eat. They don't have particularly sharp claws and the power of their jaws couldn't beat the powerful creation that is the sugar candy "jawbreaker". No the common  Bipolar bear is just 
like you or me. Ok maybe not exactly like you...

"I`m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle, but if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."Marilyn Monroe

Take this phrase, just your regular over-quoted Facebook quotation. Take this phrase and amplify it by 100. 

Selfish-Defined in the dictionary:

adjective(of a person, action, or motivelacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure: I joined them for selfish reasons. 

Selfish to you means a different Selfish to me....

If you keep saying it enough it starts to lose all meaning...selfish selfish selfish.

Selfish for you can mean not sharing your last rolo, or not giving up your seat on the bus for that frail old lady..  Selfish to you could be not going out for your friends birthday because you can't be bothered. 

I can take Selfish to a whole different level.

A sickness that can't be cured, only tamed. 
Selfish could be my middle name. Selfish should be my middle name.

Ahhhh and the Bipolar bear rears its ugly head.

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